learning is human.

learning is not standardized.
It's not a set of instructions.
It's not a perk and definitely not an elective.
It's not a destination, a presentation,
a department, or a line item.

learning is personal.
It's immersive,
And essential.
It defines how we collaborate.
It's how we get better.
It made us who we are today,
And defines who we will become tomorrow.

learning is human.

Stories are how we learn best.


We create learning experiences that allow people to do things they were never able to do before. Sometimes we do that on our own, other times we do it with incredible clients.

Some of our clients.

Bark logo A24 logo Indeed logo Visa logo Primary Ventures logo

Some of our own projects.

Human Machine Workshops

Out-of-the-box learning experiences on a range of topics from management, feedback, presentation skills, storytelling, and product ethics.

The Creative Dept.

We're a community of creatives dedicated to creating a structured, supportive learning experience for new creative leaders.

The Prediction Game

We spend most of our lives learning about the past, so why not learn from the future? Thousands of participants predicted the events of 2021 & competed with their friends for bragging rights.

We've worked with human machine several times over the years now and continue to be blown away. They work as a thoughtful partner, quickly and under some challenging timelines, and the end result is always much better than we could have hoped. We highly recommend working with human machine.

- Matt Meeker, Co-Founder & CEO, BARK

We've written a white paper to describe our philosophy and process around learning design. We'd love to share it with you.

We believe that learning is a strategic design discipline that can be applied to individuals, collectives, and entire organizations. So what does that actually mean?

A single grey dot


At the very core of all learning is the individual, with their aspirations, lifelong set of experiences, and gaps in their knowledge and skills. Learning on an individual level is all about identifying their needs and building on existing knowledge while providing as many opportunities as possible for real world application.

Four grey dots rotating in a circle


Think of some incredible achivements in history. Whether it's the creation of the iPhone, Liverpool's 4-0 comeback against Barcelona, or landing on the moon; all of these things were made possible by incredible teams. When you bring together a diverse group of skilled and passionate people, you're guaranteed to either see magic, or a complete disaster. The difference between the two is learning. Learning how to collaborate, to communicate, to create.

Several grey dots rotating in connected circles


Organizations are made up of an ever-changing cast of individuals and collectives, but their culture, processes, and mission remain for years. How do these evolve? How do organizations improve? We spend so much time and energy talking about innovation, disruption, moving fast and breaking things, when all of it comes down to one thing: learning. Simply put, no organization can move forward if it's not willing to actively learn about itself, how it works, and how it can work better.

Andre Plaut


Andre Plaut is the founder of human machine, a learning design studio. He has spent over 10 years at the intersection of technology, design, and education, developing and scaling learning experiences, products, and teams for organizations like Apple, Obama for America, General Assembly, Huge Inc, BARK, Indeed, and many others.

You can connect with him on LinkedIn.

Let's work together.

If you're interested in the way that learning can change the way you, your teams, and your organizations work, then we should talk.